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Inkjet Case Coder Equipment Inkjet Case Coder Equipment Inkjet Case Coder Equipment

ALLEN 50/30


Key Features
Low foil warning, which can be set to individual requirements
Foil run-out warning, allowing foil replacement to be immediate, minimizing downtime. This feature can be connected to the parent machine ensuring no products pass uncoded
Low temperature and thermo couple failure warnings inhibit the coder until the correct temperature is reached or fault rectified
Variable temperature control to suit the application - set quickly and easily Self check diagnostic software
Left and right hand models are available giving extra installation flexibility
Its reliable high speed operation reaches speeds of up to 800 prints per minute
Online hot foil coders are used to code expiry dates, product identification information, lot and batch numbers onto labels and packaged products
Suitable for installation onto most high speed packaging and labeling machines
The digital display control box gives highly accurate dwell and temperature control ensuring that unrivaled accuracy of print is attained at all times

2014 Norwood 5030
Allen Hot Foil Coders
